IFSMA Fire & Safety College follows a transparent mechanism for its admission procedure. It administers its own entrance test for professionals courses. Group discussions and personal interview are taken for admitting students in B.Tech, PDIS, Fire Officer, Fireman and Safety Technician Courses. Each courses has its own eligibility conditions which are stated in the prospectus. If you need help in choosing a programme or any other information about one of the programmes, you can contact our office in IFSMA Fire and Safety College Vadodara, Gujarat.
No. is as follows:
The address and Phone Number
IFSMA Fire & Safety College
Amodar Village, Waghodiya Rd,
Vadodara, Gujarat - 39002
Mo. - 7285888224, 7285888225
Go through the courses and then select the course of your choice. Fill up the admission form carefully Attach copies of all certificate and mark sheet. Send the completed admission form along with four stamp size photographs and demand draft of the first installment fees of the address mentioned above. Candidates are advised to pay only by demand draft in the name of "IFSMA FIRE SAFETY COLLEGE” and write their names at the back side of the demand draft.
- Online Registration Form- Click to Download
- Admission Form- Click to Download
- E-Prospectus Hindi - Click to Download
- E-Prospectus English - Click to Download